Wild at heart - video studies

Starting this past Monday, May 9, we will have a 7pm video streaming or showing on YouTube with my own Nasko's Notes on the book Wild at Heart by John Eldredge. John dives into the secrets of the men's heart and the big question: what makes a man to be a man? This will be a 12-week study... besides my initial technical hiccup this past Monday, I will refine my notes and approach to sharing from each chapter but we will dive into three major areas of who God created us to be: warriors, explorers, and lovers/pursuers of a Beauty. Everyone of us is born with the innate desire to explore and take on an adventure, to fight battles (hopefully battles that are worth fighting for and for causes that are worth fighting for), and for pursuing a Beauty that takes us on a lifelong journey with a Daughter of the King of Kings as a partner, friend, confidant, and a lover.

Wild at Heart had made me stop, pause, and ask some hard questions for my own life. Some of those questions took me back to childhood memories. Some good, some not so good. Other questions, well, let's just say that I am still searching for answers. Many of those questions go back to what I asked our tribe earlier in January, "are we becoming the men of God for whom God could say, "this guy is a man after my own heart!"?

So, I invite you on a virtual journey over the next 12 weeks! Join me and others in reading, praying, talking, and sharing together more than a book. It's about sharing life together. And - quite honestly! - knowing that some of our own guys are not avid readers (ahem, no mentioning of names here and no shaming!), I am taking the time to make this as easy as possible on everyone.

Take a look at the first video from Week Zero and leave us some feedback or email or text... you know where to find me! I call you all blessed! ~Nasko



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