New Year, New Goals?!

Don’t make the same mistake millions of people do every year: set goals for the new year, charge hard from the gate, keep it going for a few weeks, then slowly go back to your old routines and old habits. Instead, try something new in 2023: instead of setting goals, think about the person you want to become. (Yes, I will keep circling to that theme of “becoming men after God’s own heart!” until you all tell me to go fly a kite or something!)

There is a difference between “I will read one book each month” and “I want to become a person who reads one book each month” - think about it for a moment. The managerial lofty ideas of SMART goals and all that MBA stuff that they teach you for a pretty penny at colleges is all good ideas on paper and in theory. Life is much different than papers and theories. You and I have better chances of improvements that are made with a steady pace and incrementally. Why? Because our behavior and habits didn’t get formed and shaped overnight, it was a process.

Take a look at this file and see the different approach. It’s not about losing weight, it’s about a person who moves his body. It’s not about “wake up early” but “wake up 5 minutes earlier” - check out out. The file and its contents won’t change your life overnight but can get you going in the right direction.

The ideas for this and quite a few other great things come from a book called Atomic Habits by James Clear. Don’t know if the author is a Christ follower or not but he has some wisdom to share. Check him out and check his book out, too. If you, let me know what you think and what are some of the lofty goals… ahem! - what new things you will start in the new year!

Happy New Year to the Amazing A.M.M.O. Men’s Tribe! Love sharing and doing life with this Tribe!

I call you all blessed!

~Nasko D. Lazarov (Chief Bottle Washer)

P.S. Mark your calendar for the 2nd Saturday of January for our Men’s Breakfast (coffee only, bring your own coffee!) - we will meet at 7:30am in the Kids Chapel for a time of fellowship, prayer, and a short message for the new year. Join your brothers and let’s start 2023 right!


Prayer Time


Shooting Outing