Men's Tribe February'22 Update

Hey guys, thanks for taking time to read this! Much appreciated! Funny how time goes so fast, right? I knew that my last post here was quite some time ago, feels like back at the time of Noah or Moses...

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It was great to see everyone today at Men's Breakfast! I totally enjoy these every month - and although I would like to stay home and sleep in on these Saturdays! Ha! - I wouldn't miss them. For anyone who was not able to come to the February Men's Breakfast, the next one is going to be on... MARCH 12! What a coincidence! Remember - we have these every second Saturday of each month. Mark your calendars and don't miss an opportunity for fellowship, prayer, short devotional, and hearty food!

two events coming up for March and April...

Kearney Ministerial Alliance Men's Conference. Friday night, dinner, speakers, fellowship. Saturday morning, breakfast, speakers, fellowship. Just up the road at Northern Hills Baptist Church (we were there back in 2020 before the pandemic). Register Online by March 18 to get a t-shirt and book.

Stronger Men Conference in Springfield, MO - end of April... register here... or CLICK THE IMAGE will be an awesome event and I would love to see a strong group of our own tribe go down there and have a great time. When registering, please make sure that you put down Radiant Life Church and Kearney, MO for the church's city - this will allow us to grab all our registration as a "group" although we each are registering individually. We will tackle logistics for transport and hotel later.

Thanks for helping our tribe be men after God's own heart in 2022!


Strange Exercise: Try It


Year-End Update: Come Get your gift