Strange Exercise: Try It

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I want to be a man after God's own heart and I need to think about the rest of my journey on this planet through the eyes of "what kind of a person I would like to be" - strange as it may sound, what would people say about me at... my funeral!?

I met a guy who wrote his own obituary - it's very well written, you can see his main areas that he basically hits and addresses: his overall life, his professional life, his family, what he did for people in need, and the final paragraph caps it all with a final statement.

So... what would your obituary read like? I caught myself a few times over the past few weeks pausing and taking a deep breath when I was tempted to throw in a temper tantrum... is this how I would like someone to remember me if this was their last interaction with me!? Not that you would see me rolling on the floor, that's why I work alone! Hahaha!

But hey, seriously now... what kind of a man, husband, father, friends, co-worker, neighbor are you and what would people say about you one day? This might be a good time to pause, reflect, pray, jot down some notes, move beyond the simplistic "let me set some goals for this year" and think about the person you are becoming as a man after God's own heart.

For what its worth, here's Casey's obituary... use it as an example, or don't use it all, it's up to you. I just pray that together, we all help each other in this life-long journey!

I call you all blessed, AMMO Tribe!

The Obituary of Casey Thomas Graham

Casey Graham’s life was full of passion, grace, generosity, adventure and relationship. One of Casey’s best friends said, “He was constantly creating experiences and memories that were mixed with meaningful depth and thrill seeking adventure. (And he usually picked up the tab.) But the best part of him is that he loved me no matter what.”

As an entrepreneur he created many of the world's most amazing places for people to love what they did every day. Casey created companies so he could invest in people to become better versions of themselves. He famously said, “Business is boring, but people are fascinating. We create more businesses, simply to know more people. People never get old, and I love creating places that people love to invest their most precious asset: time.”

If you could see inside Casey’s home, you would see a man who fiercely loved his family. His wife constantly said, “He treated me like a queen and went out of his way to help me see me how God sees me. Fully known, fully loved. I felt secure in his arms.” His daughter Darby said, “I wish everyone in the world could have a Daddy like mine. He was always there for me no matter what. I want to be just like him to my kids and grandkids.” His son, Gage said, “The best part of my Dad is he let me be me. He cared about me becoming the best version of myself. And he always said yes to a fishing trip with me.”

Casey was known for taking in hurting friends, having the best parties at their farm and going on the wildest adventures around the world. Everyone felt like they were his best friend because his motto was, “Treat everyone like they will become your best friend—and, usually, they do.”

Casey believed that depth with God was measured by how well you loved people. His love for the broken and hurting was evident. He was the go-to guy when someone needed a second chance. He believed in Jesus and that was his only hope for life after death. The best part about him was that he didn’t wait to experience eternal life, he experienced it on earth through his relationships.



Stronger Men Conference


Men's Tribe February'22 Update