
Changed Perspective = Change of Pace + Change of Place

Totally enjoyed our service yesterday with the special segment for praise/worship as part of the sermon/message, the personal prayer time, and taking time to write down my list of what I am thankful for! So much to be thankful this season and this Thanksgiving Week!

One point got my attention though, the sub point on how thankfulness brings a change of perspective. It reminded me the time Rennie and I had the blessing to be at Marriage Retreat at the Navigators’ Glen Eyrie Castle in Colorado Springs… many things were discussed and shared during that getaway but I still remember the question from one of the facilitators, “How do you get a changed perspective?” The answer was simple, yet profound. You get it by change of pace and change of place. Change of Pace + Change of Place = Changed Perspective.

It’s not enough to just change the pace of living and moving. It’s not enough to just go to a different place but keep up with the same mindless speed of life and work. It has to be both.

So, this Thanksgiving Week and entering into the Advent Season of the weeks/days prior to Christmas, I will intentionally seek the Lord but will also make some specific changes to do exactly that: change of pace and change of place. The change of place could be simply to go walk the trails of Watkins Mill area or go sit in the Golf Shop of Swope Golf Course!

The change of pace could be simple reminders throughout the day to stop at 11:11am or 3:16pm and pray for five minutes. I don’t need to wait for the next “mountain top experience with the Lord” - I can invite the Lord of all mountains to come and meet with me at the parking lot of Wendy’s and He will be happy to enter my little Ford Focus!

If I want to continue being “the man after God’s own heart” - just as King David was! - I need to take those small steps. Let’s go, guys!


Moving Help

