Word Chasers

How well do we know our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ?

This depends on how well we know The Word of God, the Bible. God reveals His heart and His will in the Bible. We get to know Jesus by know the Word. Apostle John tells us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” - that’s Jesus. Jesus Himself is the Word of God. We know the Word, we know Jesus.

A much wiser guys than all of us wrote a whole book (it’s called Proverbs, right after the Psalms, kinda in the middle of the Bible) and in chapters 2 and 3 of Proverbs, king Solomon challenges us to go after wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. The challenge in those two chapters of Proverbs is to ‘seek’ and to ‘search.’

There is a fascinating story in the book of Acts during one of Paul’s missionary journeys. They get to a town called Berea (it’s a day drive from my home town!) and those Bereans, Dr Luke tells us, “were more noble” than the Jews in Thessalonica because “they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11). Bible teachers, preachers and pastors who preach are responsible to rightfully divide and explain the Word of God but I as a mature follower of Christ it is my responsibility to examine and check and absorb the Word of God.

So, how about we get busy doing that? There is a powerful dynamic that happens in a room when men of God come together ready to learn and grow and chase after God’s Word. How about we become Word Chasers together?

Help me navigate the planning/concept of getting together. I realize it’s a Herculean task to have something that works for everyone but I would still give it a try… please fill out the following Survey Form to get us started.

I call you all blessed and can’t wait to see what the Lord will continue to do in our lives together as we go after Him!

~Nasko Lazarov (Men’s Tribe Chief Bottle Washer)


Stronger Men 2023


Prayer Time