Stronger Men 2023

Stronger Men 2023 is here!

As Dan Holt said it today, Operation Stronger men is a Go!

Mission Control to Tribe Leader One! , Mission Control to Tribe Leader One! Staging area complete, for Convoy, gear load out 0730, transport set for deployment at 0800 hours 28 April. Confirmed motor pool officer of the day -Boss Hobbs with staff driver Elam in “RLC people transport 101” - Operation “Stronger Men “ is a Go, I repeat Operation “Stronger Men” is a Go.

Now, the question is: who’s bringing their ham radios!?

In case you didn’t get the email from Pastor Nick (check your spam settings, guys!), here’s the PDF file…

I call you all blessed!

Nasko D. Lazarov (Chief Bottle Washer)

P.S. Transportation list and hotel room lists are not included here for privacy… text me or call me and we can get you that info, if you want a copy.




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